Treating the office to corporate lunch services in San Jose is one of the BEST ways to make your employees happy.

And we’re not just saying that because we love food here at Entrees Unlimited!

In fact, we cited actual research in our recent article, Want to Create a Happier Workplace? Try a Corporate Meal Delivery Program.

In a nutshell, free food at the office not only creates happier employees, but makes them healthier, more loyal and more productive, too.

Now, on to the fun part— meal planning! We’ve listed three of our best tips to simplify the process for you and ensure that everyone in the office enjoys your corporate lunch selections.

3 Tips on Meal Planning for Corporate Lunches

    1. 1. Plan your corporate lunches in advance.

      Regardless of whether you’re ordering daily corporate lunches or weekly meals, always plan in advance. For instance, plot the dates on your calendar. Do a rough headcount, so you know how many servings you’ll need to order for each day.

      Not sure where to start? Call Entrees Unlimited and we’ll assign you a sales person to help you with menu selections and meal planning.

      Call Entrees Unlimited and we’ll assign you a sales person to help you with menu selections and meal planning.

      Aside from helping you put a menu together, our catering company can also help you integrate any special dietary needs.

    1. 2. Rotate through different types of cuisines for your office lunches.

      Keep everyone excited for corporate lunches by creating a diverse menu! For instance, serve Mexican one week, then Italian or classic American the next. Planning for daily corporate lunch services in San Jose? Your menu can look something like this:

      • Monday: Fajitas
      • Tuesday: Sandwiches and salads
      • Wednesday: BBQ
      • Thursday: Pasta
      • Friday: Asian

      Need more inspiration? Check out our Corporate Catering Menu and explore our wide selection of cuisines from around the world!

    1. 3. Get your employees to decide what they’d like to eat.

      To get a better idea of what your employees enjoy, you can try doing a poll where everyone can vote for what they want to eat next. You can also draw up a suggestion box and encourage them to place their recommendations in there.

Let’s Discuss Your Corporate Catering Needs!

Entrees Unlimited can provide delicious, hot meals straight to your office on a weekly or daily basis under our corporate meal delivery program in San Jose. After finalizing your menu, we’ll take care of the rest! We serve a lot of areas, including Silicon Valley, Mount Hamilton, Cupertino, Sunnyvale, Mountain View, Palo Alto and more.

Aside from corporate San Jose catering, we also offer:

Get started with the best catering services and prepared meal for dinner in San Jose! Call us today at 408-280-0910 or send us a message here and we’ll get back to you ASAP.